define kharif crops
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Kharif crops, monsoon crops or autumn crops are domesticated plants like rice that are cultivated and harvested in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh during the Indian subcontinent's monsoon season, which lasts from June to November depending on the area.[1] Monsoon rains may begin as early as May in some parts of the Indian subcontinent, and crops are generally harvested from 3rd Week of September to October, acrops. Rice, maize and cotton are some of the major kharif crops in India
tradução:as safras das monções ou as safras do outono são plantas domesticadas como o arroz que são cultivadas e colhidas na Índia, Paquistão e Bangladesh durante a temporada de monções do subcontinente indiano, que vai de junho a novembro, dependendo da área. [1] As chuvas das monções podem começar já em maio em algumas partes do subcontinente indiano, e as safras geralmente são colhidas da 3ª semana de setembro a outubro, etc. Arroz, milho e algodão são algumas das principais culturas kharif na Índia
These are a type of crops,which grown in rain.Some characters of KHARIF crops are given:-
- These are grown in rainy season.
- Cropping season of kharif crops are generally June to september.
- These crops require a lot of water.
Paddy,Maize and Cotton etc. are few examples of KHARIF crops.