Inglês, perguntado por brunaarezi3, 7 meses atrás

Dear friends, I am not writing from Washington, I'm writing from London now. It's a beautiful morning and the sun is shining It is not raining now. It's half past eleven and I am standing in front of Buckingham Palace, The Queen's home in London There are a lot of tourists here, from all over the world. We are watching the great show. They are changing the guard. The band is playing and the fifty soldiers are marching. I am taking a picture You are looking at it now! Love,mary

retire do texto os verbos que estão no presente contínuos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alicetzen




Os verbos no presente contínuo são aqueles que são caracterizados por representarem noção de continuidade da ação verbal(chamados de gerúndio na língua portuguesa) e por terem -ing no final. Exemplos: shine + ing(presente contínuo) = shining / study + ing(presente contínuo) = studying

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