De acordo com o texto, responda:1. a) According to the text, what can help the brain make new connections ans function better?b) Based on the Cannadian study mentioned in the text, who did best on memory and task tests?c) What can slow your ability to repeat things in your mind?3. Im "the more you use it, the stronger it gets", what does the pronoun it refer to?( ) "a muscle" ( ) "the brain"Por favor gente é para hoje
Soluções para a tarefa
A) Learning a new things, varying your routine, having heating debates, going on trips and playing an instruments all help your brain to make new connections and function better.
B) A Canadian study found that older people whose diets contained the greatest percentage of kilojoules as carbohydrates did best on memory and task tests.
C) Read or work in a quite room - noise exposure can slow your ability to rehearse things in your mind, a way of building memory.
2) The brain functions like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger its gets. (X) brain
a) To help the brain make new connections, you can practice physical exercises to keep the body healthy, thus helping with cognitive processes. Another method focused on the body is to obtain a more natural, consequently healthier diet.
b) The study revealed that competitors had higher carbohydrates and did much better on memory tests than people who had lower carbohydrate levels.
c) The phrase refers to muscles. The muscular tissue of the human body can adapt to greater loads according to the exposure to them. So people can get stronger by exercising their muscles.
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