De acordo com as regras de conjugação de verbo na língua inglesa acima, faça a conjugação dos verbos abaixo:

Soluções para a tarefa
Quando for She, He e It vc coloca um s no final e nos outros só repete a palavra, por exemplo: I begin, you begin, she begins, he begins, it begins, we begin, they begin. MENOS NO TO HAVE, quando vc chegar no To Have (letra G) ao invés de escrever Haves vc vai escrever Has ( no she, he, it)
a) To Believe (Acreditar)
I believe
You believe
She believes
He believes
It believes
You believe
We believe
They believe
b) To Ask (Perguntar)
I ask
You ask
She asks
He asks
It asks
You ask
We ask
They ask
c) To Begin (Começar)
I begin
You begin
She begins
He begins
It begins
You begin
We begin
They begin
d) To Buy (Comprar)
I buy
You buy
She buys
He buys
It buys
You buy
We buy
They buy
e) To Call (Telefonar)
I call
You call
She calls
He calls
It calls
You call
We call
They call
f) To Come (Vir)
I come
You come
She comes
He comes
It comes
You come
We come
They come
g) To Have (Ter)
I have
You have
She has
He has
It has
You have
We have
They have
h) To Keep (Continuar)
I keep
You keep
She keeps
He keeps
It keeps
You keep
We keep
They keep
Espero ter ajudado, tenha bons estudos! ^^