Inglês, perguntado por rafaelalexanderresen, 7 meses atrás

Dê 5 exemplos do “Simple Past e 5 do Past Continuous” (em inglês)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jbeaglepbmei3


Passado contínuo (Past continuous)

I was traveling alone yesterday. (Eu não estava viajando sozinho ontem)

You were saying something to her last week. ...

He was feeling well yesterday. ...

She was walking alone. ...

It was raining last night. ...

You were telling me the truth. ...

We were living in São Paulo last year. ...

They were running in the park.


Respondido por livyagomes2004

Resposta:Simple Past

We did not go to school yesterday. (Nós não fomos para a escola ontem.)

His birthday was the day before yesterday. (O aniversário dele foi anteontem.)

She studied Math last night. (Ela estudou matemática ontem à noite.)

I called you three days ago. (Eu telefonei para você três dias atrás.)

They visited their uncle last month. (Eles visitaram o tio deles mês passado.)

Explicação: past continuous

I was traveling alone yesterday. (Eu não estava viajando sozinho ontem)

You were saying something to her last week. (Você estava dizendo alguma coisa para ela semana passada)

He was feeling well yesterday. (Ele estava se sentindo bem ontem)

She was walking alone. (Ela estava caminhando sozinha)

It was raining last night. (Estava chovendo ontem à noite)

rafaelalexanderresen: Vc e top valeu
livyagomes2004: Nada ; )
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