David and Sarah ____ go out at night. ____ father doens't let _____ *
don't - Their - them
doesn't - Her - Her
don't - His - them
Soluções para a tarefa
David and Sarah don't go out at night. Their father doesn't let them.
Logo, é a primeira: don't - Their - them.
⇒⇒ Possessive adjective / pronouns
David and Sarah don't go out at night. Their father doesn't let them.
a. don't - Their - them √
b. doesn't - Her - Her
c. don't - His - them
Alternativa correta letra ''a''
⇒⇒ Possessive adjectives >>> usado para expressar posse - sempre acompanhado de um substantivo / advérbio / adjetivo
I >>> possessivo ''my'' >> my white car
You >>> possessivo ''your'' >> your lovely mother
He >>> possessivo ''his'' >> his father
She >>> possessivo ''her'' >> her sister
It >>> possessivo ''its'' >> its new toy
We >>> possessivo ''our'' >> our friends
Your >>> possessivo “your” >> your cats
They >>> possessivo ''their'' >> their bikes
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