Inglês, perguntado por brendagross, 7 meses atrás

d) lavar
h) abrir
5- Complete as frases com os verbos que estão entre parênteses, no passado simples. E traduza-as.
(want) eat again.
a) The children
(love) the cereals very much. They
b) My father
(enjoy ) working.
(work) very hard in the past. He
c) The gardener
(water) the flowers.
d) He
( close ) door and
(rest) for a while.
e) The teacher
(show) some pictures.
f) I
(jump) over the fence.
g) She
( collect ) stamps in the past.
h) The baby
(cry) during the night.
i) The
The princess
( kiss ) the frog and the frog
(turn ) into a prince.
1) Susan
(miss ) the bus.
k) Gina
nerform well yesterday​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nacorime

wanted, loved, enjoyed, worked, watered, closed, rested, showed, jumped, collected, cried, kissed, turned, missed.

amandaamaria917: se organiza
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