Inglês, perguntado por Crushasecreta, 1 ano atrás

Crie uma pergunta para a resposta.

1-We live near the Park
2-Because I need to study English today.
3-Because she wants to go to the U.S.A
4-I have to go to the movies with you.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por suellenbretas7
1- Where you live near ?
2- Why do you course all day ?
3- Why ypu go to U.S.A ?
4- Do you want to go to the movies ?
Respondido por lalacaraujo
1- Where do you live?
2- Why can't we go out?
3- Why is she raising money?
4- What do you have to do this evening?
Perguntas interessantes