Inglês, perguntado por yohannardelima, 1 ano atrás

criam uma história em inglês no mínimo 6 linhas com o tema: Escola​

yohannardelima: ok
gualmeidadonasciment: ta bom :) hehe
yohannardelima: :)
gualmeidadonasciment: :)
adrianlacerda: :(
adrianlacerda: Goodbye
gualmeidadonasciment: bye
adrianlacerda: I'm kidding, I'm so happy!
adrianlacerda: :)
adrianlacerda: Hey talk to me

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gualmeidadonasciment


The school is the place where we learn important lessons for a lifetime.

Taking these teachings to school was not fast, it took many centuries before it became as we know it today. It is important to remember that, before, there was a time when teachers went to the students' homes to teach classes and teach the necessary subjects. The aim was to educate completely, from the development of ethics, political thinking to religious knowledge. But it is important to remember that this process was exclusively for men.


Women were only able to go to schools many centuries later, because they were raised to be mothers and housewives, so many did not consider it necessary for them to have a job outside the home. Over time, this process changed, and the girls got the right to study. At first, only a few could, but little by little, this changed, until today, when the school is for everyone, both for boys and girls.

Just as the school is for everyone, it is also made up of a large number of professionals. Each has a specific function for the proper functioning of the school. Let's get to know who these professionals are?


Teachers: those responsible for transmitting systematized content, for working on the learning processes.

Coordinators: accompany the learning processes of each student, as well as in a collective way, seeking a better coexistence for everyone in the school.

Desk: its main function is to take care of the different school documents, so that the proper and regular functioning occurs.

Principal: should try to keep the school running smoothly in general. It is also his role to encourage, inspire and motivate students, teachers, staff, in addition to being responsible for mediating the school with the community outside the institution.

Lunch box: the main responsible for the feeding of students at school. It has specific techniques and necessary care with food. Usually, a school has several people with this function.

Cleaning lady: its function is to clean the different spaces of the school.

Doorman: responsible for supervising the entry and exit of students, as well as anyone else.

gualmeidadonasciment: espero ter ajudado,
gualmeidadonasciment: pfv marque como melhor pra mim ficar felizao
Respondido por adrianlacerda


Another school day, as soon as I arrive and I am greeted by applause, why are they applauding me? Then a group of girls come up to me, and they start asking a lot of questions, at first I didn't understand it but then I remembered, but how does everyone know what I did? Well, I guess I'll never know. I say goodbye to the girls and go to my friends, who also ask me questions.

- Hey man, how are you? - Ask my friend Álan.

- Well, why the question?

- Nothing.

- Dude, how did you do that? - My friend Bruno asks.

- I can't say man.

- You are very crazy man, could have died!

- I know, but it was worth it.

So we went to class, and my dream ends without me knowing how they found out what I did.

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