Inglês, perguntado por wagneraugstinn, 4 meses atrás

Corrija o erro gramatical em cada frase abaixo. Aplique o conhecimento do tempo futuro simples.



sabrina316123: 1- Mr. Hilton will tell us his opinion
2-Tell me where they are going to spend the weekend
3-She doesn't realize what she is Their parents will let them go with us to the party. doing to herself
sabrina316123: Calma foi errado
1- Mr. Hilton will tell us his opinion
2-Tell me where they are going to spend the weekend
3-She doesn't realize what she is Their parents will let them go with us to the party. doing to herself
sabrina316123: *******1- Mr. Hilton will tell us his opinion
2-Tell me where they are going to spend the weekend
3-She doesn't realize what she is doing to herself
4-Their parents will permit them go with us to the party
5-Pete will make his children millionaires******
wagneraugstinn: obg

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marisanthy
1. Mr. Hilton Will tell us…
2. Tell me where they are going to…
3. She doesn’t realize what she is doing to herself(caso queira a frase no presente, apenas ajustando os erros)
3. She doesn’t realize what she will do to herself(caso queira a frase no futuro)
4. Their parents will permit…
5. Peter will make his…

Espero ter ajudado

wagneraugstinn: obg, me ajudou dms
marisanthy: Dnd
marisanthy: Mas acho que eu respondi a tua pergunta tbm
wagneraugstinn: ss
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