Inglês, perguntado por joaofcampos259, 5 meses atrás

CORRECT the sentences.
A) My old car is less fast my new car.
B) Computers from the past weren't good as they are now.
C Desktops are more big than laptops.
D) My smartphone is so good as my brother's one.
E) Computers are more good than typewrites​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jpgebox36012


a_ My new car is faster than the old one

b_ Computers from the past aren't as good as they are now

c_ Desktops are bigger than laptops

d_ My smartphone is as good as my brother's one

e_ Computers are better than typewriters

Bons estudos ae, não desista do inglês, a cada dia que passa ele se torna mais importante

joaofcampos259: Muito Obrigado!
rafaellacarneiro08: sua resposta ajudou dms
Respondido por Pitcoin


a_ My new car is faster than the old one

b_ Computers from the past aren't as good as they are now

c_ Desktops are bigger than laptops

d_ My smartphone is as good as my brother's one

e_ Computers are better than typewriters


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