Copie, leia e selecione a forma correta do “to be” no passado: a) I ________ tired yesterday and I'm tired again today. A. was B. were b) My wife and I ________ happy for 20 years. A. was B. were c) We ________ sad to leave the place. A. was B. were d) They ________ busy at work. A. was B. were e) He ________ angry for the right reasons. A. was B. were f) Of course she ________ sleepy, she was working two jobs. A. was B. were 2) a) Traduza as frases abaixo. b) Change the sentences to the simple past. Follow the model: (Passe as sentenças para o passado. Siga o exemplo) Model: Model: Mary is on the beach. She was on the beach. a) John is here. b) Sarah and I are in USA. c) John is a good student. d) Paul and Mike are nice. e) You are a teacher. f) I'm at work. g) Sandy and you are brothers.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
A) I was tired yesterday and i'm tired again today(Letra A)
B) My wife and I were happy for 20 years(Letra B)
C)We were sad to leave the place(Letra B)
D)They were busy at (Letra B)
E) He was angry for the right reasons
F) Of course she was sleepy, she was working two jobs
Was e were são os verbos era ou foi, mas was é para os pronomes he, she, it, I e were são para os pronomes we, they, you
A) He was here.
B) We were in the USA.
C) He was a good student.
D) They were nice
E) You were a teacher
F) I was at work
G) You were brothers.
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