Inglês, perguntado por dossantospachecoleon, 8 meses atrás

Copie as frases e escreva na frente os verbos auxiliares e a qual tempo verbal pertence.
A) Do you understand?
B) You don’t understand.
C) Does he study?
D) He won’t like it.
E) She will not have a party next week.
F) John and Mary will call you.
G) Did I offend you?
H) Did you see it?
I) He didn’t know.
J) I was tired.
K) I wasn’t the worst student.
L) Were you at home?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isans
A) Do - Simple Present Interrogative
B) Don’t - Simple Present Negative
C) Does - Simple Present Interrogative 3rd Person
D) Won’t - Future Negative
E) Will not - Future Negative
F) Will - Future Affirmative
G) Did - Past Simple Interrogative
H) Did - Past Simple Interrogative
I) Didn’t - Past Simple Negative
J) Was - Past Affirmative
K) Wasn’t - Verb to be Past Negative
L) Were - Verb to be Past Interrogative

isans: Was é verb to be past affirmative
dossantospachecoleon: okay
dossantospachecoleon: não dá para por como melhor resposta desculpa
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