Inglês, perguntado por chrystop, 8 meses atrás

Converta as frases abaixo para a forma indicada no parênteses
1) I am going to dance with her (interrogativa) *
2) She is going to sell her car (negativa) *
3) They are going to speak about the plataform (interrogativa) *
4) We are going to study French (negativa) *
5) She is going to sing a nice song (interrogativa)
6) He is going to send me a package (negativa) *
7) We are going to drink milk (interrogativa) *
8) He is going to ask a question (interrogativa) *
9) They are going to allow that (negativa) *
10) He is going to ride a bike (negativa) *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leandrobotrel001

Resposta:use o google tradutor

Explicação: ele pode traduzir todo o testo para portugues

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