Inglês, perguntado por rauanyeduarda512, 9 meses atrás

construa uma pequena história nessa história deve conter as palavras citadas para tradução sentir criativo FLORESTA CASA JARDIM MÃE MALA TATU PEIXE PESSOA ÁGUA ANIMAL Árvore gavião gaiola homem papagaio mundo sonho chocolate

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Meszunk


It was July 2, I was in this forest at the back of my grandma's house looking for daddy's lost suitcase (don't ask me why). Inside the forest, there was a lake with lots of fish jumping in the water from one side to the other, and suddenly, out of nowhere, This black fish jumped out of the water and landed directly on an armadillo-shaped rock that immediately pushed the fish back into the lake. I'm not gonna lie, it was a funny scene, because it looked like the armadillo had pushed him back into the lake. After the failed searching for daddy's suitcase, we head back to the house a little bit frustrated. When we were close to reaching the garden at the back of the house, in the distance we saw an unknown person and an unknown animal, But don't worry, it was just Grandma's neighbor, Louis and Doug her dog, a black Scottish terrier.

Meszunk: não teve todas palavras então você pode continuar com as que faltaram, mas usei as que estão em maiúsculo.
rauanyeduarda512: Ta bom obrigada
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