Inglês, perguntado por 1111MariaClara1111, 11 meses atrás

construa 10 frases com as palavras em ingles able, amazing, angry e anxious

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kim29
1-i'm able for this!

2-thank you, you are amazing!

3-she mades me angry..

4-the ride looks fun, i'm so anxious!

5-My mother forbade me to play video game, I'm very angry.

6- this boy is amazing, he help me with the job!

7-i'm so anxious for see them!

8-i'm able to have responsablity!

9-this party is amazing!

1111MariaClara1111: Muito obrigada
kim29: sempre disposta :)
1111MariaClara1111: ;-)
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