Inglês, perguntado por suzyejr, 10 meses atrás

Considere as frases abaixo:

I. We communicate students what to do at different stages of the lesson, for example at the beginning of an activity.

II. We talk about something that has happened. In the primary classroom, we often tell stories to learners.

III. We get information from our students rather than giving it to them.

IV. We say something to help students think of ideas or remember a word or phrase by giving them part of it.

The sequence of classroom functions that matches with the descriptions are respectively:

prompting learners; narrating; eliciting; instructing.
narrating; instructing; eliciting; prompting learners.
instructing; narrating; prompting learners; eliciting.
instructing; narrating; eliciting; prompting learners.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Lucapooka

d) instructing; narrating; eliciting; prompting learners.

Respondido por Jhhuhelena

Resposta: Sem dúvidas Letra D


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