Inglês, perguntado por kaziul, 9 meses atrás

Considerando o contexto na oração “ I can’t come to the beach with you because I have to do my homework.”, a frase adequada gramaticalmente, usando a segunda condicional, é

a)If I had homework, I could come to the beach.

b) I could come to the beach if I didn’t have homework.

c) If I could come to the beach, I didn’t have homework.

d) If I didn’t have to do my homework, I could come to the beach.

e) If I didn’t have to do my homework, I couldn’t come to the beach.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

d) If I didn’t have to do my homework, I could come to the beach.

Respondido por jpfizeraqie



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