Inglês, perguntado por sadrackgandra, 10 meses atrás

Conjugue os verbos TO CLEAN e TO KNOW
nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa
no passado. Não é necessário traduzir.

To clean - limpar
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I I ... I….?
You You …you…?
He He …he …?
She She …she…?
We We ...we…?
You You …you…?
They They …they…?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mfpx

I cleaned. Did I clean?

I knew. Did I know?

You cleaned. Did you clean?

You knew. Did you know?

(s)He cleaned. Did (s)he clean?

(s)He knew. Did (s)he know?

We cleaned. Did we clean?

We knew. Did we know?

You cleaned. Did you clean?

You knew. Did you know?

They cleaned. Did they clean?

They knew. Did they know?

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