Inglês, perguntado por amorimisabela360, 2 meses atrás

Complete with this or that. Attention: far (longe) and near (perto):

A) (FAR) ______ girl is my

B) (NEAR) ________ dog is really sick. Let’s get him out of here. *

C) (NEAR) There are a lot of beautiful women here, but_________one is special!

D) (NEAR) ______ box is red.

E) (FAR) Whose pen is________ ? *

F) (NEAR) Please seat here.________ is your chair.

G) (NEAR) _________ new CD by Miley Cyrus is amazing! *

H) (FAR) Who`s_______girl? I don`t kmow her.

I) (NEAR) I will not bring him to ________ house.

J) (NEAR) I’m so happy right now. I’m gonna keep __________ moment in my memory forever.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por YVYVY


a) that

b) this

c) this

d) this

e) that

f) this

g) this

h) that

i) this

j) this


Near = Perto.

Far = Longe.

This = Perto de quem estiver falando.

That = Longe de quem estiver falando.

amorimisabela360: Obrigado
YVYVY: De nada!
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