Inglês, perguntado por bruna67620, 6 meses atrás

Complete with the verb to bem"am,are is "and write the contracted form.( complete com o verbo to be"am,are is" e escreva a forma contraída)​

celio244: espero ter te ajudado

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por theop

Resposta: N entendi mto bem foi mal :(


bruna67620: eu acabei de fazer essa mesma pergunta com a imagem
bruna67620: olha lá por favor
Respondido por celio244





Ensino fundamental (básico)


Vamos completar as frases com o to be (am/is/are)? 1) I a teacher. 2) They popular musicians. 3) London the capital of England. 4) He in New York now. 5) Jack and you good students. 6) Lisbon in Portugal. Singular Plural (CONTRACTED FORM) I’m We’re You’re You’re He’s She’s They’re It’s 8) Tocantins a river and a state in Brazil. 9) Guarapari a famous city in Espírito Santo. 10)We friends. A forma que acabamos de estudar é afirmativa. Vejamos as outras formas do verbo to be. Para perguntar com o verbo to be basta invertê-lo com o sujeito (ou pronome) da oração. AFFIRMATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORM I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? Ex.: Afirmativa – John is a good teacher. Interrogativa – Is John a good teacher? Afirmativa – Dogs are intelligent animals. Interrogativa – Are dogs intelligent animals? Vamos exercitar! Reescreva as frases na interrogativa: 1) Venice is in Italy. 2) She is a student. 3) Mateus Solano is an excellent actor. 4) The cat is hungry. 5) Roberto Carlos is a romantic singer. 6) Fiat is an Italian car manufacturer. E se quisermos negar com o verbo to be, como fazemos? Vejamos: Ex.: Afirmativa – They are students Negativa – They are not students. Viu só? É fácil. Basta acrescentarmos a partícula NOT imediatamente depois do verbo (am/is/are). Obs.: Ainda podemos usar a forma contraída. is + not isn’t are + not aren’t Ex: Sidney isn’t the capital of Australia. Politicians aren’t honest. Portanto, o to be na negativa é: NEGATIVE FORM CONTRACTED FORM I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not I’m not You aren’t He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t Você notou que a forma am + not não foi contraída como is not (= isn’t) e are not (= aren’t)? Pois é, só é possível contrair o pronome I com a forma do verbo am. (I’m not). E agora? Você já sabe fazer? Reescreva as frases na forma negativa: a) She is an international model. b) You are friends. c) Praia da Costa is polluted. d) Mary and Sally are sisters. e) I am curious. f) Adidas is American. g) Lula is the president. h) Cats are wild animals. i) Ferrari is American. j) English is difficult. Vamos revisar tudo? 1. Escreva (A) afirmativa (I) interrogativa (N) negativa a) Is my father a good driver? ( ) b) You are Brazilian. ( ) c) I am not a musician. ( ) d) Tom and I aren’t good players. ( ) e) Are you OK? ( ) f) The stadium is very modern. ( ) g) Brazil is a very big country. ( ) h) Is she late? ( ) i) The shops are open today. ( ) j) My mother isn’t at home. ( ) 2- Complete as frases com AM/ARE/ ou IS. a) Lisa .... a beautiful girl. b) She ........... my friend. c) Tom and Lisa ......... in the same school. d) I ............... in that school, too! e) Tom ............ a nice boy. He ......... funny. f) We ............... best friends. 3- Reescreva as seguintes frases nas formas indicadas. a) Lisa is a beautiful girl. Negativa - _____ Interrogativa - _____ b) They aren’t best friends. Afirmativa - _____ Interrogativa - _____ c) Is Tom funny? Afirmativa - Negativa - Me ajudem pfvv




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19 respostas

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Primeira parte:

1) I am a teacher.

2) They are popular musicians.

3) London is the capital of England.

4) He is in New York now.

5) Jack and you are good students.

6) Lisbon is in Portugal.

7) (não tem?)

8) Tocantins is a river and a state in Brazil.

9) Guarapari is a famous city in Espírito Santo.

10) We are friends.

Segunda parte:

1) Is Venice in Italy?

2)  Is she a student?

3) Is Mateus Solano an excellent actor?

4) Is the cat hungry?

5) Is Roberto Carlos a romantic singer?

6) Is Fiat an Italian car manufacturer?

Terceira parte:

a) She isn't an international model.

b) You aren't friends.

c) Praia da Costa isn't polluted.

d) Mary and Sally aren't sisters.

e) I'm not curious.

f) Adidas isn't American.

g) Lula isn't the president.

h) Cats aren't wild animals.

i) Ferrari isn't American.

j) English isn't difficult.

Quarta parte:

a) Is my father a good driver? (I)

b) You are Brazilian. (A)

c) I am not a musician. (N)

d) Tom and I aren’t good players. (N)

e) Are you OK? (I)

f) The stadium is very modern. (A)

g) Brazil is a very big country. (A)

h) Is she late? (I)

i) The shops are open today. (A)

j) My mother isn’t at home. (N)

Quinta parte:

a) Lisa is a beautiful girl.

b) She is my friend.

c) Tom and Lisa are in the same school.

d) I am in that school, too!

e) Tom is a nice boy. He is funny.

f) We are best friends.

Sexta parte:

a) Lisa is a beautiful girl.

Negativa: Lisa isn't a beautiful girl.

Interrogativa: Is Lisa a beautiful girl?

b) They aren’t best friends.

Afirmativa: They are best friends.

Interrogativa: Are they best friends?

c) Is Tom funny?

Afirmativa: Tom is funny.

Negativa: Tom isn't funny.

bruna67620: Obrigada
bruna67620: mas vc não respondeu a minha pergunta
bruna67620: vc teve muita paciência para escrever tudo isso
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