Inglês, perguntado por mariasouzad1704, 3 meses atrás

Complete with the present perfect.
a) They_____________a barrier between them. (to break)
b) She______________more expressive clothes. (to wear)
c) We___________finally__________how charismatic he has been. (to realize)
d) He____________finally___________himself as an individual. (to find)
e) The group_______________a world of inspiring new possibilities to the young. (To offer)
f) She__________________ to him again. (to speak/negative)
g) I______________a letter to my pen pal from Japan. (to write)
h) ____________you___________ him recently? (to meet/interrogative)
i) We_______________many good books lately. (to read)
j) _________the secretary___________all the invitations? (to send/interrogative)

Soluções para a tarefa

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a) They have broken a barrier between them.

b) She has worn more expressive clothes.

c) We have finally realised how charismatic he has been.

d) He has finally found himself as an individual.

e) The group has offered a world of inspiring new possibilities to the young.

f) She hasn't spoken to him again.

g) I have written a letter to my pen pal from Japan.

h) Have you met him recently?

i) We have read many good books lately.

j) Has the secretary sent all the invitations?

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