Inglês, perguntado por santanaandrea079, 9 meses atrás

Complete with the irregular verbs
3. We_____(see) the new film yesterdat
4. See______ ( wear) he new coat to the party
5. I ______( think) my football team would win
6. they______( put) their bags in the bedroom
7. She_____( say) that she would come later
8.______(by) some books this morning. Parte superior do formulário

Escreva a forma correta dos verbos regulares no passado simples:

9. Work

10. Play

Poderiam me ajudar de novo? muito obg!!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dudaelau5


abaixo as respostas


3 - We saw the new film yesterday

4 - She wore the new coat to the party

5 - I thought my football team would win

6 - They put their bags in the bedroom

7 - She said the she would come later

8 - I bought some boos this morning

9 - Worked

10 - Played

santanaandrea079: Obrigada mesmo, valeu a ajudaaaa
Respondido por ManelEnglish


3. We saw the new film yesterday*.

4. See wore he new coat to the party

(??? isso n faz sentido kk só faria sentido se o "See" for o nome do cara, e teria q mudar esse "he" aí e colocar "his")

5. I thought my footbal team would win

6. they put their bags in the bedroom

7. she said that she would come later

8. (falta o personal pronoun, e by n é verbo, imagino q era pra ser buy, ent vou fazer com "buy"

bought some books this morning

9. worked

10. played

verbos regulares basta acrescentar "ed" no final, tem regras, mas no geral é isso


santanaandrea079: Obg!! valeu muito a ajuda!!!
ManelEnglish: nd
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