Inglês, perguntado por ferreirawesley433, 9 meses atrás

Complete with less or fewer. (Complete com less ou fewer) . Less é o
comparativo de inferioridade de little e, fewer é o comparativo de inferioridade
de few.
a) There are ________ birds on the top the mountain than here.
b) Give ________ food the animals.
c) We have ___________ books than Paul.
d) Judy knows ___________ songs than her sister.
e) Tom paid _________ attention to the play than Karen.
f) We see _________ children in the park in the afternoon.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por arthurargus262


a) There are fewer birds on the top the mountain than here.

b) Give less food the animals.

c) We have fewer books than Paul.

d) Judy knows less songs than her sister

e) Tom paid less attention to the play than Karen.

f) We see fewer children in the park in the afternoon.

Acho que é isso

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