Inglês, perguntado por danielsancorrep820gy, 9 meses atrás

Complete using should or shouldn't and the verbs of parentheses:

1-It's raining a lot. You______in the park. (run)

2-You have a backache. You______to the doctor.(talk)

3-This car is very expensive. You_______it. (buy)

4-It's a cold morning. You______at home. (stay)

5-It's a sunny day. You______to the beach. (go)

6-You're tired. You_______today. (go out)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tgx4ds

Boa noite,

1 - Shouldn't run;

2 - Should talk;

3 - Shouldn't buy;

5 - Shouldn't stay;

6 - Shouldn't go;

Espero ter ajudado.

Respondido por yMatheusgz


1 - Shouldn't run;

2 - Should talk;

3 - Shouldn't buy;

5 - Shouldn't stay;

6 - Shouldn't go;


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