Inglês, perguntado por Jaisondesouza00, 6 meses atrás

Complete usando o verbo entre parenteses no Simple Presente Tense:

A)Dogs............ (to bark)
B)I usually............... to school (to walck)
C)He............near his house (to work)
D)She never............sandwiches (to eat)
E) the morning (to study)
F)Hurry up!The 5 minutes (to leave)
G)She usually...........up early (to get)
H)You always..........the wrong bus (to take)
I)They often.............late (to arrive)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Carrancuda2000


A)Dogs are barking (to bark)

B) I usually go walking to school (to walck)

C)He going to working near his house (to work)

D)She never goes to eat sandwiches (to eat)

E)We go to study in the morning (to study)

F)Hurry up!The bus goes to leave in 5 minutes (to leave)

G)She usually go to get up early (to get)

H)You always goes to take the wrong bus (to take)

I)They often go arrive late (to arrive)


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