Inglês, perguntado por natt154, 4 meses atrás

Complete usando o PRESENTE SIMPLES
a) Cayo ________________to the College tonight. (not - go)
b) My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thursdays every week. (have)
c) Louise ____________________at the Brad's Office. (work)
d) I ___________________ bread with nuts jelly. (not - eat)
e) _______________________ to Italy every year? (she - travel)
f) The plain _______________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)
g) ________________________ soccer every Sunday? (your friends - play)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Gabsk99


a) doesn't go

b) have

c) works

d) didn't eat

e) Does she travel

f) arrives

g) Do your friends play


confia no pai

Respondido por naramoraesb
a) doesn’t go
b) have
c) works
d) don’t eat
e) She travels
f) arrives
g) Your friends play
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