Inglês, perguntado por Luuh0001, 8 meses atrás

Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses. ( complete o texto com os verbos entre parenteses)

Mary and I ______________ (work) in the same office, but we’re completely different. She ________ (like) coffee, but I __________ (like) tea. She ____________ (wash) her car every weekend, but I never _________ (clean) mine. She ___________ (smile) all the time at work, but I __________ (feel) miserable. 14-

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fernandaanversp7rgvs

Mary and I WORK in the same office, but we’re completely different. She LIKES coffee, but I LIKE tea. She WASHES her car every weekend, but I never CLEAN mine. She SMILES all the time at work, but I feel miserable.


Para resolver deve saber a regra dos verbos no presente simples:

• Como regra geral, pode-se dizer que para conjugar um verbo no Simple Present, basta usá-lo no infinitivo sem o to no caso dos pronomes I, you, we e they, e acrescentar -s, -es ou -ies no caso dos pronomes he, she e it.

Espero ter ajudado!! Qualquer coisa pode me chamar!! Bons estudos!!
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