Inglês, perguntado por marianamoraes052006, 5 meses atrás

complete the text with ONE word


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

I had no sooner sat down and opened the menu than she came in, smiling, slightly swaying her arm. On catching sight of her, I realised that all the time I had been half-hoping for this, ever since I boarded the plane. And the moment she sat down, it was as if she had been expecting me, as if we had arranged to meet the night before. We had hardly arrived when I heard the waiter, with remarkable intuition, ask whether he should bring champagne. We began talking and laughing. When I complimented her on her English, she blushed, knowing it was nowhere near as fluent as it had been . It was not until the first bottle of champagne had been emptied that the conservation drifted inexorably to the past and it was only then that awkwardness crept in as time passed. By the time we had finished our starters, our bursts of conservation had become shorter, less animated, and the pauses between them correspondingly longer. We finished the second bottle in resigned silence, at which point her eyes were clearly filling up with tears.

Usuário anônimo: Gostei do texto. Em qual escola você estuda e qual matéria utiliza? Fiquei interessado em dar uma olhada em outros textos.
Respondido por albqque

O exercício se trata de um texto necessitando de substantivos. Antes de completá-lo é importante entender como essa classe de palavras funciona.

Substantivos (nouns)

São palavras que tem como objetivo definir pessoas, locais, objetos, ações, sentimentos, dentre outros.

Características dos substantivos

  • Eles podem varias em gênero, sendo feminino (mother), masculino (father) ou neutro (teacher).
  • No plural, acrescenta-se "s" ao final da palavra (dog - dogs) ou, quando terminada em "y", adicionamos "ies" (body - bodies)
  • Os substantivos também funcionam como verbos e advérbios, dependendo da palavra (type - digitar ou tipo de algo)

Exemplos de substantivos

Alguns substantivos que podem ser utilizados no texto são: sooner, while, moment, as, like, when, while, as, until, then, as, time e which.

Saiba mais sobre substantivos em inglês aqui:


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