Inglês, perguntado por lucaspr4011u, 9 meses atrás

Complete the text about Sarah's activities on Fridays and Tuesdays: Use the verbs from this box: visit, live, go, sleep, come, have, play, read.

My friend Sarah ________________ her relatives every week. On Tuesday afternoon she _______________ to her grandmother's house that _______________ in a small town, but the doesn't _______________ there. She ______________ back to Taubaté because she ______________ English classes on Friday morning. On Friday afternoons she____________ magazines and after 4:30 pm she __________________ tennis in the club.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por annefrankjp


Vamos lá


.....Sarah visits...... -------Visit  Acrescenta o "s" por estar na terceira pessoa do singular.

......Afternoon she went.....----- Go--------- Passado simples do verbo "go". Verbo irregular

......That lives in a small town.....----- Live-------Acrescenta o "s" por estar na terceira pessoa do singular.

but she doesn't sleep ------Sleep----- Verbo permance na forma infinitiva pois está colocado após o auxiliar does + particular negativa "not"

......she came back to Taubaté......------- Come ------- Verbo irregular no passado simples.

........because she had English classes....----- Have-------Verbo irregular no passado simples

.......Afternoons she reads magazines....------Read----Acrescenta o "s" por estar na terceira pessoa do singular.

..... after 4:30 pm she plays tennis in the club.------Play------Acrescenta o "s" por estar na terceira pessoa do singular.

espero ter ajudado. Bons estudos

lucaspr4011u: muito obrigado
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