Inglês, perguntado por vivianegomes12345678, 8 meses atrás

complete the sentences with the prepositons in , on ar at
1.brazilian indenpendence day is _________________ setember 7.
2.i'm going to europe _________ monday
3 my birrhday is _________ june
4._______ the 60s, there were many great rock bands me in front of the cinema __________9:00 pm
6 con you call me ________ night i'ii be working ________ the afternoon.
7.we don't go lo school________ sundays
8____________ easter ,i'm going lo visit my ralatives in the countryside
9 many advances in medicine will be meda ________the21 st century

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒ Prepositions

1. Brazilian Independence day is on September 7.

2. I'm going to Europe on Monday.

3. My birthday is in June .

4. In the 60s, there were many great rock bands.

5. Meet me in front of the cinema at 9:00 pm

6. Can  you call me at night? I'll be working in the afternoon.

7. We don't go to school on Sundays .

8. At Easter, I'm going to visit my relatives in the countryside.

9. Many advances in medicine will be made in the 21st century.


→→  Prepositions IN - ON - AT

in - geral

on - more specific - mais específico

at - very specific - muito específico

→  ''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, meses, estações do ano, anos, séculos

in May

in Summer

in 1990

in the morning

in the Spring

in the past

→  ''on'' para dias da semana e datas

on 6th March

on the weekend

on Sunday morning

on Monday afternoon

on January 10th, 2010

on New Year’s Eve

→  ''at'' para tempo específico (hora), lugar, address - endereço completo

at one clock

at half past nine.

at the Mall

at Easter

at the same time

at 3245 Paulista Ave.

at 97 Ocean Dr.

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