Inglês, perguntado por murilocunh, 7 meses atrás

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
(Example: applel oranges/bananas/...) *
a. Melissa
the marathon for five years. (run)
silence while in the museum. (keep)
candy since last month. (eat -not)
d. A: Can you meet me at 8 p.m. tomorrow? / B: 1
there! (be)
to add extracurricular activities in your résumé. (forget - not)
f. Mark
a movie when I texted him. (watch)
bom o

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amandagenehr


A) Melissa runs  the marathon for five years. (run)

B) Keep silence while in the museum. (keep)

C) I do not eat (don´t) candy since last month. (eat -not)

D) A: Can you meet me at 8 p.m. tomorrow? /

 B: I will (´ll) be there! (be)

E)  Do not (don´t) forget to add extracurricular activities in your résumé. (forget - not)

F) Mark  was watching  a movie when I texted him. (watch)

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