Inglês, perguntado por almiiir084, 1 ano atrás

complete the sentences with the adjectives pronouns or possessive pronouns: a) mother makes good soap. (my-mime). b) that pen is. (my-mime) c) sister is boring. (his-hers). d) mameis mary (her-hers). e) ellen does not like sister, do you like ? (her-his) (your yours).​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


a) My mother makes good soap. (my-mine).

b) That pen is mine. (my-mine)  

c) His sister is boring. (his-hers).  

d) Her name is Mary (her-hers).

e) Ellen does not like her  sister, do you like  yours? (her-his) (your yours).​


Possessive - indica posse - SEMPRE VEM SEGUIDO DE UM SUBSTANTIVO

my mother  - his  sister - her name

Possessive pronouns - usado para substituir o substantivo, para evitar repetição. NUNCA VEM SEGUIDO DE SUBSTANTIVO. NORMALMENTE, VEM SEGUIDO DE PONTO FINAL.

That girl is my sister. Where is yours?

Essa menina é minha irmã. Onde está a sua (irmã)?

My sister is beautiful, how about yours?

Minha irmã é bonita, e a sua (irmã) ?

Possessive    Possessive pronouns

My                    mine

Your                 yours

His                   his

Her                   hers

It                       its

Our                  ours

Your                 yours

Their                theirs

almiiir084: obrigado pela ajuda
Respondido por omegamafuma


a)my mother makes good soap

b)that pen is mine

c)his sister is boring

d)her name is mary

e)ellen does no like her sister, do you like yours?

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