Inglês, perguntado por mariafavero8mc, 7 meses atrás

Complete the sentences with MAY, MUST, MAY NOT, MUST NOT, HAVE TO, DON’T HAVE TO:

A- You ______________ answer your phone if you need, but outside, please!

B- They ________________ to call, just send me a message.
C- Her friends ______________ use the facilities, they’re for students.

D- Passengers ____________ fasten their seatbelts during the flight.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por furry0owo


A- You may answer your phone if you need, but outside, please!

B- They don't have to call, just send me a message.

C- Her friends must not use the facilities, they're for students.

D- Passengers may fasten their seatbelts during the flight.


Foi isso :D

espero ter ajudado.

A letra A pode ser may, have to e must. Aí vc vê isso com seu (sua) professor(a).

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