Inglês, perguntado por Sarahlima3345, 3 meses atrás

Complete the sentences with a verb from the list( complete as sentenças com os verbos da lista)

[drink-have-like-not listen-live-not speak-watch-work}

a)We______in a big house in Oxford

b) We______the radio in the morning

c)My husband and i______cereal for breakfast

d)______your children______TV at dinner time?

e)My sisters _______spanish or italian

f)People in Italy_____a lot of coffee.

g)______you______on Saturdays?

h)They______New York, They think it's a fantastic city

i)_______you________ newspaper and magazines in English?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gremioligado


We live in a big house in Oxford

We listen the radio in the morning

My husband and I have cereal for breakfast

Do your children watch TV at dinner time?

My sisters don't speak spanish or italian

People in italy drink a lot of coffee

Do you work on Saturdays?

They like New York , They think it's a fantastic city

Do you like newspapers and magazines in english?


Respondido por LELET2006

Oi! Boa tarde!


a)We _live_ in a big house in Oxford  

b) We _listen_ the radio in the morning  

c)My husband and i _have_ cereal for breakfast  

d) _Do_ your children _watch_TV at dinner time?  

e)My sisters _don't speak_ spanish or italian  

f)People in Italy _drink_ a lot of coffee.  

g)_Do_you _work_ on Saturdays?  

h)They _like_ New York, They think it's a fantastic city  

i0 _Do_ you _like_ newspaper and magazines in English?

(O verbo que mais se adequa aqui, é o "read" (ler) mas como era só com os verbos da lista, eu coloquei "like" (gostar).)

Espero ter ajudado :)

Se puder, marque com a melhor resposta <3

gremioligado: Boa resposta, bem completa
gremioligado: eu ainda fiquei em dufina nessa H de colocar o verbo READ dai eu coloquei o like que ta la
gremioligado: duvida*
LELET2006: precisando :)
gremioligado: Ok ;)
gremioligado: Quer dizer sobre um detalhe na sua resposta, na letra d) Seria ' Do your children' pq children tá no plural
LELET2006: ok, deve ser pq fiz pelo celular, mas muito obrigada pelo observação
gremioligado: Ata, ok
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