Inglês, perguntado por Eduardo4pdl, 10 meses atrás

Complete the sentences using who, what, where, which, and whey

1) _______ are you ?
2) _______ car is yours ?
3) _______ book is that ?
4) _______ are you here ?
5) _______ is she ?

Paula's from Brazil. He traveled around the United States last summer. He stayed there for a mounth. Of course he ate hamburguers and drank soda. He met a lat of interesting people. He bought a lat of souvenies and toor them back to Brazil. He flew there with varig


1) What did Paulo do last summer ?
2)How long did he stay ?
3) What did he drink ?
4) What did he brey ?
5) DId the Oly with varig or with United Airlines ?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

1. Where

2. Which

3. What

4. Why

5. Who

1. He travelled around the US last summer.

2. He stayed there for a month.

3. He drank soda.

4. He bought a lot of souvenirs.

5. He flew with Varig.

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