Inglês, perguntado por ts366579, 6 meses atrás


Complete the sentences using the correct vocabulary: 


a)Those poor people live in a ____ place of only one room.

b)I don’t want to leave. I intend to ____ here.

c)Good music gives great _____.

d)“Will you be ____ enough to help me?” 

2) Answer the questions about the text in English:

a)Who was Abraham Lincoln?

b)What kind of origins did he have?

c)What were Lincoln’s parents?

d)What was Lincoln’s profession when he was young?

e)How did he get to the town where he worked?

3)  Discursive Question:

“I don’t know who my father was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.”

Responda em português: Que preocupação de Lincoln pode ser observada na citação acima?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marciaemiliadascola


a) Humble

b) remain

c) pleasure

d) kind


a) Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of United States ( from 1861 untill 1865 )

b) A farm in Macon Country , Illinois, with his father

c ) He was descendant of Samuel Lincoln (and Nancy Hanks Lincoln ) an English man who migrated from Hingam

d) He worked as a boatman , store clerk ,surveyor , militia soldier and became a lawyer .

3) " Eu não sei quem foi meu pai : estou mai interessado em saber quem será meu neto "

Mostra a preocupação com o futuro sem amarras com o passado e sua origem humilde .


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