Inglês, perguntado por danielgamer, 1 ano atrás

Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous and the verbs in parentheses:
a. you___________________________________ (do) your homework.
b. Susie_________________________________ (take - negative) a nap.
c. Mia and Anna__________________________ (watch) TV.
d. Fred__________________________________ (listen) to music;
e. I_____________________________________ (check - negative) my e-mail.
f. Maria_________________________________ (talk) on the phone

Turn sentences on letters A,B,C, and D above into questions:

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Corsair
As frases com Present Continuous são formadas com o verbo To Be + Verbo Principal no Gerúndio

a) You are doing your homework
b) Susie isn´t taking a nap
c) Mia and Anna are watching TV
d) Fred is listening to music
e) I am not checking my e-mail
f) Maria is talking on the phone

A) Are you doing your homework?
B) Isn´t Susie taking a nap?
C) Are Mia and Anna watching TV?
D) Is Fred listening to music?

danielgamer: a segunda não falta pq na folha que recebi tava assim
Corsair: Hmmm..acho que entendi..
Corsair: Querem que transforme as frases das letras A, B, C e D em questões..ou seja, passar para a interrogativa
Corsair: SErá isto?
Yasyus: É isso mesmo.
Corsair: Ok, eu vou editar e acrescentar
Corsair: Pronto...acho que agora está certo
danielgamer: vlw mano
Corsair: you´re welcome...
danielgamer: só pode ser isso kk
Respondido por Yasyus
a) are doing
b) isn't taking
c) is watching
d) is listening
e) didn't check
f) is talking

Corsair: OI, o present continuous é sempre com o verbo To Be..a alinea e) deve usar I am not, em vez do didn´t..:)
Yasyus: Entendi. Erro meu. :P
Corsair: :)
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