Inglês, perguntado por yasmimgandhi1, 2 meses atrás

complete the sentences in the immediate future
A) the cow_______ to eat grass.
b)he_______to read a magazine.
c)I______ to eat an ice-cream.
d) thy_______ to write better. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Immediate future with ''going to''

A) The cow  is going to eat grass.

b) He    is going   to read a magazine.

c) I  am going to eat an ice-cream.

d) They are going to write better. ​


⇒⇒   Simple future with going to  -  immediate future  >> tempo verbal usado para falar sobre ações que já podem estar planejadas, pensadas e são certas de acontecer.  


sujeito + verbo to be + going to + verbo infinitivo

I                     am              going to        visit my grandparents tomorrow.

Susan and Tom are         going to        move to Canada in January.

The kid         is                 going to         watch TV at night.

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