Inglês, perguntado por kauanrkunzler, 4 meses atrás

Complete the sentences.
Herself/ themselves/ itself/ himself/ each other/ yourself/ ourselves/ mysel

We're really enjoying ______ here in Brazil.

My daughter's four and she dresses ______ now in the mornings.
That bed is too big and heavy to move by ______

I hurt ________ really badly falling down the stairs.

The main rule in this classroom is that everyone should respect _______
The children made this cake _____!

He knows how to laugh at _____.
Our cat was more interested in the box than the toy _____!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Reflexive pronouns

a. We're really enjoying ourselves here in Brazil.

b. My daughter's four and she dresses herself now in the mornings.

c. That bed is too big and heavy to move by itself.

d. I hurt myself really badly falling down the stairs.

e. The main rule in this classroom is that everyone should respect himself.

f. The children made this cake themselves!

g. He knows how to laugh at himself.

h. Our cat was more interested in the box than the toy itself!

→→  Pronomes reflexivos - Reflexive pronouns >> são usados para indicar que a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito

→ para dar ênfase >> função enfática  

They themselves went to London.  

they themselves >> eles mesmos / próprios

→ para dizer que alguém fez algo sozinho (precedido de ''by'') >> função idiomática  

Julie finished the work by herself.  

by herself >> sozinha

→ para indicar uma ação que afeta quem a praticou >> função reflexiva  

John hurt himself when he was mowing the grass.  

hurt himself >>> se machucou

Atenção: Se o sujeito da frase for uma pessoa indeterminada - someone, everyone, nobody, no one, somebody - o reflexivo ‘’himself’’ deverá ser usado.

Someone was talking to himself in the living room.

Alguém estava falando sozinho na sala.

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kauanrkunzler: OBRIGADOOO!
CremildaBR: de nada ;)
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