Inglês, perguntado por mduda2015mesg, 4 meses atrás

Complete the sentences below with the verbs in brackets so that the Second Conditional is correct.

a) I _____ (go) to Japan if I _____ (have) enough money for the ticket.

b) What _____ you _____ (do) if you _____ (have) more time during the week?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Anonimocomduvida


a) I would go (go) to Japan if I had (have) enough money for the ticket.

b) What would you do (do) if you had (have) more time during the week?​

Respondido por nayanialvesr

As sentenças em Second Conditional são:

a) would go/ If I had

b) would you do/ If you had

Para montar uma Second Conditional são necessárias duas sentenças:

  1. Uma "if clause", ou seja, a sentença condicional;
  2. Uma "main clause", ou seja, a sentença principal.

A "if clause" é composta pelo verbo no simple past (passado simples) e a "main clause" por verbos modais (would, could, might e should).

Portanto, temos:

  • If + simple past + would, could, might, should + verbo no infinitivo

a) I would go to Japan if I had enough money for the ticket.

b) What would you do if you had more time during the week?​

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