Inglês, perguntado por juliacbelchior, 1 ano atrás

Complete the sentences according to the example: You don"t really like cold weather, do you?

1.You don't notice anything different about her hair , ?
2.The students are noisy today, ?
3.You don't believe in fairy tales, ?
4.I am speaking English much better this semster, ?
5. Your birthday was on the 8 th, ?
6. You can speak a little Japonese, ?
7.You won"t take long, ?
8.All of them parked their cars near here, ?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lohariele15
1-does she?
2-arent they?
3-do you?
4-am I?
5-wasnt it?
6-cant you?
7-will you?
8-dont they?
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