Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás

COMPLETE the senteces with the correct Relative Pronouns: which, who, whom,
whose, when, what or where. Then TRANSLATE the sentences.
You will use each Relative Pronoun only once.
1) Man must stop destroying the things __________ mean his own survival.
2) Nobody has seen the burgler _____________ broke in the store.
3) My uncle Harry, ____________ I have not seen for years, is coming for Crhistmas.
4) The bird _____________ wing is hurt is a swallow.
5) I can´t remember the day ___________ we first met.
6) Sao Paulo is the city ____________ I was born, in 1975.
7) She really doesn´t know ____________ to do.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gomesadryan974


ok vou mandar as respostas

gomesadryan974: Man Must stop destroying the things _what__ mean his own survival
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