Inglês, perguntado por miri20122004, 11 meses atrás

Complete the information about different cultural events in Brazil. Use the appropriate
form of the verbs in parentheses.
a In June, Brazilians (have) lots of fun at Festas Juninas, parties
that (celebrate) saints Anthony, John, and Peter. People
(eat) traditional foods and (dance) a theatrical
choreography known as quadrilha.
b Anima Mundi is an international festival for animated films that
(take) place in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo every year. It (include)
hundreds of films, from traditional animation to 3D.
c Every year since 1992, the Curitiba Theater Festival (entertain)
locals and tourists with national and international plays.
d Joinville (SC) (host) the International Dance Festival every July.
Dancers from Brazil and other countries (compete) for 11 days, and
they also (participate) in courses and workshops.
e The Parintins Folklore Festival happens in late June, in Parintins (AM). During the festival,
the members of two associations – Garantido and Caprichoso –
(sing), (dance), and compete in a huge stage called Bumbódromo.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alinerbl
a) Have
b) Takes
c) Entertains
d) Hosts
e) Sing
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