Inglês, perguntado por nlaureanodossan, 1 ano atrás

complete the conditional sentences type II.
a) If the weather okay (be), the ferry on time (leave).
b) If the kids home early (come), they up their rooms (tidy).
c) If she well( not/feel), I grandma (visit)
d) If my leg (hurt), I play football (not/won)
e) If my friend always in touch by mail keeps, i gey a letter, I usually back immediately (write).
f) If i love to travel! When I and my family enough money (have), I abroad (Go).
g) If jhon me move tomorrow ( help), he to a dinner and a movie ( treat).
h) If janine the test (Pass), she an "A" in the class (Get).
i) If she with us (be), she act as our interpreter (can).
j) If Ellen enough money (have), she with them (Go).
k) If I to go to the train station early (decide), she there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived (wait).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Leka555
a) If the weather okay was, the ferry on time woud leave.
b) If the kids home early came), they up their rooms would tidy).
c) If she well didn't feel, I would visit grandma.
d) If my leg was hurt, I wouldn't play football. 
e) If my friend always in touch by mail keeps, i get a letter, I usually will write back immediately).- I type
f) If  I and my family had enough money, I would go abroad.
g) If Jhon helps me move tomorrow, he will treat to a dinner and a movie.- I type
h) IfJanine passed the test , she would get an "A" in the class.
i) If she was with us, she could act as our interpreter.
j) If Ellen had enough money, she would go with them.
k) If I decided to go to the train station early, she would have waited there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.
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