Complete os espaços usando os pronomes pessoais : “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”:
cat and horse... Mary... Tom...
Jack and I... books... Sister...
You and Dave... Plane sunshine
Cheese... Cactus... parents
Pamela... News scissors
geese... Flowers piano
school... Daunghter... milk
children... Sugar... feet
bicycle... Ann and Kate... tennis
son... Mice... sky
shop... Buses... papers
Mr.Green Brother in law... picture
Friendship Dolphin...the riggs
Soluções para a tarefa
cat and horse = they
Mary = she
Tom = he
Jack and I = we
books = they
Sister = she
You and Dave = you
Plane = it
sunshine = it
Cheese = it
Cactus = it
parents = they
Pamela = she
New scissors = they
geese = they
Flowers = they
piano = it
school = it
Daughter = she
milk = it
children = they
Sugar = it
feet = they
bicycle = it
Ann and Kate = they
tennis = it
son = he
Mice = they
sky = it
shop = it
Buses = they
papers = they
Mr.Green = he
Brother in law = he
picture = it
Friendship = it
Dolphin = it
the riggs = they
Pronomes pessoais servem para substituir o sujeito em uma frase.
I = eu
You = você, tu
He = ele (pessoa)
She = ela (pessoa)
It = ele, ela, isso (animal, objeto, etc., ou seja, tudo que NÂO seja pessoa)
We = nós
You = vocês
They = eles, elas (serve para tudo: pessoas, objetos, animais, etc.)