Inglês, perguntado por antonionerideoliveir, 7 meses atrás

Complete os espaços em branco das frases abaixo com “WHICH” ou “WHO”.
a) The new movie is about a boy __________ has lost his parents in a car accident.
b) The DVD recorder __________ I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.
c) My dad, __________ travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.
d) We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel, __________ also had an indoor swimming
e) Did you write back to the person who offered you a job?
f) That's the man __________ I spoke to the other day.
g) Where is the money __________ I gave you yesterday?
h) I met a woman __________ can speak six languages.
i) What’s the name of the man __________ lives next door?
j) What’s the name of the river __________ goes through the town?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Charlinho0729


a) who has lost his parents. b) which i bought at this store. c) My dad,who travels a lot on business. d) we stayed at the famous rockstar hotel,which also had an indoor swimmina.


which só pode ser utilizado para falar de coisas, who somente para falar de pessoas.

antonionerideoliveir: obrigado
antonionerideoliveir: cade o resto
Charlinho0729: bom sobre isso como estava com sono eu fui ler e acabei lendo até a 4 peço perdão,mas com a explicação!! acho que você já consegue.
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