Inglês, perguntado por grazielaferreira714, 4 meses atrás

Complete os espaços em branco com o verbo que consta entre

parênteses em cada sentença. Lembre-se de flexioná-lo sempre que

estiver na 3a pessoa do singular (He/She/It) e/ou nomes próprios.

1. I_____to school every day. (come)

2. He____his face every morning. (wash)

3. We____Chinese on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (study)

4. Scott____to watch a movie on Saturdays. (like)

5. John____tennis on Sundays. (play)

6. Tommy and Frank____English every day. (teach)

7. Mary____to school five times a week. (go)

8. You___the guitar on Saturdays. (learn)

9. They___their classroom on Fridays. (clean)

10. She____in Thailand. (live)

a) come/wash/studies/likes/plays/teach/go/learn/cleaner/lives

b) come/wash/studies/likes/play/teach/go/learn/cleans/lives

c) comes/washes/study/likes/play/teaches/goes/learn/clean/live

d) come/washes/study/likes/plays/teach/goes/learn/clean/lives​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo


D) come/washes/study/likes/plays/teach/goes/learn/clean/lives​

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