Inglês, perguntado por soaresrafaele09, 8 meses atrás

Complete os espaços com WHO, WHICH, ou WHOSE:

a- The house.................................they live is small but comfortable.

b- Is this the need?

c- Is that the lady......................................husband is a famous surgeon?

d- The lions and see in the zoo are very dangerous.

e- Einstein,..............................,theory is famous, was not American.

f-The Science ...............studies the movement of the objects is called


g- This is the man.............................son is very inteligente.

h- John is the boy.........................................lives in São Paulo.

i- The horse .........................................veterinarian is giving medicine to is very sick.

j- Jorge is the for that company.
(me ajudam)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cenourite


a) which

b) which

c) whose

d) which

e) which

f) which

g) whose

h) who

i) whose

j) who

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