Inglês, perguntado por gabibello666, 3 meses atrás

Complete os espaços com o adjetivo comparativo correto. Por exemplo, cheaper (para 'cheap') e more beautiful (para 'beautiful').

1. My city is (old) ________________________________ than yours.

2. Jane is (tall) __________________________________ than Melissa.

3. Dogs are usually (heavy) ______________________________________ than cats.

4. Watching a film in DVD is (cheap) ________________________________________ than going to the theatre.

5. This brand of pastry is (good) ______________________________________ than the brand I usually buy.

6. The book I'm reading is much (interesting) _______________________________ than all the books I've read in the past.

7. Italian is an (easy) ___________________________________________ language to learn than German.

8. Jake is (young) _______________________________________ than his sister.

9. This city is (big) _________________________________________ than mine.

10. You cari s (expensive) ____________________________________________ than my house.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alaneduarte


1. older

2. taller

3. heavier

4. cheaper

5. better

6. more interesting

7. easier

8. younger

9. bigger

10. more expensive

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